Monday, March 18, 2013

Psychic Readings, Auckland NZ. How to get more from your dreams.

Dreams, dream analysis / interpretation and how to get more from your dreams. Psychic readings, and dream interpretation, Auckland NZ.

Dreams are a significant part of our day. Even as we sleep we still work as we are usually very busy within the dream state. The physical body will make way for the dream state where the mind gets to work filtering, clearing and associating memories into the dream landscape for some form of recognition for growth and learning. 

Spiritual experiences or experimenting with different feelings, fantasy and emotions are often played out during a dream and signifies a need for the soul to be free within the dreamscape to create.

Many studies and tests have been performed on the dream state. Some recognise dreams as being purely images from memory or processing of daily human tasks, however, many believe it is one of the gateways to higher vibrational work. Learning from what is shown in dreams can be both useful and insightful.

Techniques have been used, to some success, in the manipulation of dreams from within the dream state. Here we are addressing the idea of your dreams being 'switched on' from an awake state.

By setting tasks for yourself throughout the day you can trigger yourself to remember your dreamscape with more clarity. If you are a truly diligent type, set a timer that will go off every 3-4 hours so you can rely on this to keep your intent focused.

When the timer goes off set the tasks. Ask yourself in a conscious manner to be aware of your dreams tonight. Ask to see clearly, to feel clearly to sense clearly. (Just the intent here will trigger memory mechanisms to respond to your task).

At the time where your evening is coming to an end, 30-40 minutes before your anticipated bed time, lower all the lights in the room, remove external stimulants if possible (TV or radio) and allow the lowered light to relax your energy systems.

Sit away from the bedroom, were possible retain a view of the bedroom, and set an even lower level of light in the bedroom so that it is visible from your seat. Meditation is the key here. Allowing the mind chatter to be still you can then introduce the questions for your dreamtime.

It is generally best to ask only one question of your higher self to work on within the time of the dreamscape. Keep it to a subject related to yourself to start with. For example 'What is my spirit animal'? Or 'What car is best for me?' Ask the question several times over. 

Giving the question intent will secure a time for your question to be addressed within the dreamscape.

When you are well meditated, 25-30 minutes, your feeling relaxed and free of mind chatter, then you can move into the bedroom. The movement of the body will signify that you are ready for sleep. Keep asking the question now as you lay down to sleep. Keep the question as clear in your mind as possible. See it being written on paper or as a voice asking the question.

Keep this visualisation going right up until you feel yourself moving through the layers of sleep. It is fine to let go of the question as you feel yourself dropping off more into sleep.

It is well worth setting your alarm clock to wake you an hour earlier than you would usually wake. This is only a temporary interruption and you can go back to sleep after the alarm. The moment you are woken by sound you are to take quick notes of what was being dreamt.

Write about what you were seeing within the dream on a note pad, or perhaps use a sound recorder. This is perfect for capturing dreams as you emerge from sleep, you can speak straight into it with a click of a button and talk about what you have been dreaming. Often the latter stages of sleep will harvest the clearest results. You can return to sleep after your notes are taken, remember to set you clock to your normal time for waking.

As you compile a weeks worth of dream captures you may notice a subject pattern within the dreams and often the answer to your question will be there. As you start to become more aware of your dreams there seems to be a positive reaction to this awareness. The dreams become more vivid and the context of the dream will often be concise and informative.

Dream interpretation is exactly that, someone's own opinion of what a dream may represent through the symbols shown or actions taken within the dream. Dream analysis can hold some answers as to what the lesson is within the dream.

Personal experiences have opened me up to the endless possibilities of the dreamscape with both day time lucid dreaming and night time deep sleep dreaming (Photo above showing a place that I visited many times in the dreamscape. Finding this place in the physical took 20 or more years to come into fruition). 

Having been shown personal evidence of dreamscape parallels over a lifetime I have been fortunate to discover the connection with our dreamscape is much more infinite than what we would care to think.

With shared dreams or parallel dreams my conclusions are that something is significantly different within a parallel dream. These dreams are more connected to a spiritual place or space that two or more people may join in as a group and experience the same dreamscape. Shared dreams I have experience have been incredibly detailed and significant for many reasons at the time.

If you require clarification or assistance understanding your own dreams, we do offer specialist dream analysis within our spiritual readings. Phone 0900 80008 (in NZ) for a detailed dream analysis.

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