Healing and Auras. NZ Aura photos.
Healing is a wonderful way to help us open up to spirit and to connect spiritually. When we open up to healing, we all get the benefits of healing energies and open up to the spirit connection. Healing works both ways as an energy flow. With the help of our guides to harness and obtain the divine energy around us, all parties benefit from the healing.
An Aura is an energy field that interpenetrates with and radiates out beyond the physical body. It is made up of different energy vibrations or frequencies. These, in turn, make up the physical, astral, mental, and higher spiritual aspects of the multidimensional human form. The trained healer "sees" within the aura, indications as to the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional states of the person being healed.
Auras are seen as a light or energy around a person’s body, easiest to see around the head and shoulders. Let your eyes relax and focus just beyond the persons head or shoulder. The aura is generally seen extending from the skins surface anywhere up to about a foot from the skins surface.
Aura is often seen as a fuzzy blur of denser white haze closer to the body, and as a coloured haze around the body, or as individual globes of light anything up to a foot wide, sometimes exploding above and to the sides of the head as bursts of energy and coloured light.
The colours can change at any time and expand or contract in size around the body. The Aura can also be manipulated and thrown a distance from the body while still remaining connected to the body. Known as ‘Aura Play’, two people can throw their aura out to each other to combine and intertwine both their energies in the centre of the room.
Would love to learn how to prepare yourself to see aura :) thanks for the post :)
Aura viewing is a bit like looking at a 3D picture. You have to let your eyes relax and be open to seeing the person's aura. Helps to do a chakra opening meditation first. Look past the individual focusing your eyes on the wall behind them, is often easier to see if the person is against a solid white background. Let your eyes wander around the persons head, you will often see balls of coloured light about the size of a football forming as globes next to the persons head.
Awesome thank you will have to give it a try :)
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