When we are connecting with or being impressed by spirit we are often given signs through various means.
- Sight / Clairvoyance / Visions (seeing)
Allow spirit to impress you with images and visions, this can be like a movie playing before your eyes, as still slides / photos, or like memories. Any thing that may be significant can be shown by spirit to form a ‘Picture’ of spirit. You may be show an event or sports location, a birthday or celebration, or given the spirit’s preferred foods or drinks. Spirit will show many things or just a few, allowing you to use with the images that they are providing to show proof of spirit presence.
- Hearing / Clairaudience (hearing/listening)
Allowing spirit to impress us with words, messages, or dates. Anniversaries or significant dates can be given by spirit, or your guides, as proof of spirit connection. Hearing words or voice of spirit may come through in the spirit's true voice or we may be impressed with our own internal voice.
- Sensing / Feeling / Clairsentience (feeling/touching)
There are many different degrees of clairsentience ranging from the perception of diseases of other people to the thoughts or emotions of other people. The ability differs from third eye in that this kind of ability cannot have a vivid picture in the mind. Instead, a very vivid feeling can form.
- Clairalience / Clairescence (smelling)
Where a person acquires messages or knowledge from spirit primarily by means of smelling. May include particular perfumes or smoke from a cigarette or pipe. Food smells like cakes baking or more exotic smells like the leather interior of a particular car.
- Clairgustance (tasting)
Where a person is able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste. Suddenly tasting oranges may point to a spirit's favourite fruit.
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